MultiMixer (X4 / X8)

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MultiMixer (X4 / X8) by Jens Kafitz

The MultiMixer Nodes mimics Anders Langlands Arnold alLayerFloat and alLayerColor Nodes and allows you to layer multiple node streams.

The MultiMixer Nodes come in two variations. One with 4 Input slots (X4) and one with 8 Input Slots (X8).

Apart from the available Inputs they work the same way.

Node Overview

Node Ports

When mapped the corresponding Color field in the Node is no longer used and the Node Connection is used


MultiMixer (X8) has 8 map slots, while the MultiMixer (X4) only has 4.

Supplies an Alpha/Mask to each Map slot.

MultiMixer (X8) has 8 alpha slots, while the MultiMixer (X4) only has 4.

Node Properties

Layer Slots ( BG / Layer 1 / Layer 2 etc.)

The slot will only be evaluated if it is enabled

Allows the user to add a description to the layer slot

Allows you to choose a color for the slot.

If the corresponding node connection is mapped the color field will no longer be evaluated.

Acts as the Opacity value for the Layer Slot.

If a node connection for an alpha is mapped the Alpha Multiplier will multiply against that input

The Blend Mode how to overlay the Layer over the previous one


When checked, the result of the Node will be clamped to the values below

The lowest value the node is allowed to output when Clamp Output is checked

The highest value the node is allowed to output when Clamp Output is checked

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