Fibers 2D by Jens Kafitz |
- Where to find it:
- Add Procedural Layer / Procedural / Extension Pack / Pattern /
NodeGraph / Right Mouse Click / Add Nodes / Procedural / Extension Pack / Pattern /
This Node is also available as a Triplanar Version |
The Fibers Node is capable of creating high-detail Fiber and Fur patterns
- Manifold (UV)
Overwrite the default UVs used with custom uvs (for example through a Manifold UV Node).
This can be used to control UV settings from a separate node entity
- Frequency
The size of the primary Fibers
Increasing the Frequency of the Fibers
- Lacunarity
The size of the secondary Fibers
Increasing the Lacunarity. Notice how the primary fibers (determined by
the frequency) do not change size
- Rotation
A general Rotation modifying. Values are unspecific, meaning that it is more like a Seed value, instead of an absolute Rotation, equal
for each Fiber
Changing the rotation attribute
- Layers
The number of iterations to generate fibers.
Higher number means higher density of fibers at the expense of slightly degrading performance
Increasing the Layercount results in higher density of fibers
- Attenuation
Builds up the values per layer from 0 to 1.
- Segments
Repeats the Fiber generation with the amount specified and using the Segment Offset to translate the newly generated fibers.
Higher Values for Segments reduce performance of the node.
Increasing the Segments Count
- Segment Offset
Controls the offset between Fiber Segments
- Curling
Controls the bend of the Fibers
- Curl Offset Seed
Seed Value for the Curling and UV Angle
- Pattern Seed
Seed value for UV Offset
- Color A/B
Fiber and Background Color
- Steps
Amount of Samples
- Resolution
Distance between Samples from 0 to 2000
- UV Repeat
Controls the Size of the generated Fibers
- U Repeat
Multiplier against 'Repeat' for the number of rows drawn horizontally in UV Space.
- V Repeat
Multiplier against 'Repeat' for the number of columns drawn vertically in UV Space.
- UV Rotation
Rotating in degrees. Pivot is the center of each UV Tile / UDIM.
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