Jump to Node Input / Output

  • Where to find them: 

    • NodeGraph / Right Mouse Click / Navigate / 

    • Main Window / Extension Pack / Nodegraph /  Navigate / 

  • Shotcut (Nodegraph Only):  [  or  ]    


Jump To Node Input and Jump to Node Output allows you to jump your Nodegraph View to connected Nodes of the currently selected node.

    • When the Selected Node has multiple Inputs or Outputs a Dialog will allow you to select which Node to Jump to.

    • When jumping to Node Output, a small tooltip will let you know on the Output what port the node you jumped from is connected to.

Special Cases

Dot Nodes in your Node Stream are always ignored when jumping. 

When jumping past a radio node or radio transmitter node Jump To Node Input/Output will disregard the gap between the Radio Transmitter and the Raido Node

and jump across it

Similar to Radio Nodes above, using Jump to Node Output with a Teleport Broadcast Node selected will jump to connecteed Teleport Receivers.

If jumping to Node Input with a Teleport Receiver selected, you will jump the the connected Teleport Broadcast Node.

Since Teleport Nodes can span across different Nodegraph Hierarchies, it is possible that you may be jumping through different Materials and Groups as a result.

Extension Pack will auto open the correct Group in the Nodegraph