Toggle Visibility & Lock

  • Where to find it:

    • Layers Palette / Right Mouse Click / Toggle Visibility & Lock /
    • Main Window / Layers / Toggle Visibility & Lock /
    • Main Window / Extension Pack / Layers / Toggle Visibility & Lock /

  • Shortcut: (unassigned, use "Edit / Shortcuts" to assign)

The new toggle visibility & toggle lock options found in the submenu Toggle Visibility & Lock

work around a limitation of MARI where you cannot change the visibility and/or locking of

multiple selected layers at once.

Toggle Selected Visibility

Will switch the visibility of selected layers/groups to their opposite state - visible layers will become hidden,

hidden layers will become visible.

Toggle Unselected Visibility

Will switch the visibility of unselected layers/groups at the same hierarchical depth to their opposite state -

visible layers/groups will become hidden, hidden layers/groups will become visible.

Toggle Selected Lock

Will switch the layer lock of selected layers to their opposite state - unlocked layers will become locked,

locked layers will become unlocked.

Toggle Unselected Lock

Will switch the layer/group lock of unselected layers/groups at the same hierarchical depth to their opposite state -

unlocked layers/groups will become locked, locked layers will become unlocked.

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