S(at)V(alue) Lookup

  • Where to find it:

    • Add Adjustment Layer / Extension Pack / Color Correction /

    • NodeGraph / Right Mouse Click / Nodes / Filter / Extension Pack / Color Correction /

The SV Lookup (short for 'Saturation/Value' ) Adjustment Node  allows you to change Saturation and Value of Colors

along curves, effectively remapping the Saturation and Value separately.

Computation is done in Hue/Saturation/Value instead of the usual Red/Green/Blue.

Node Overview

Node Properties



  • Saturation

Modifies the Saturation component of incoming colors.

Adjusting the left halve of the curve will affect colors with saturation below 0.5, adjusting the right halve of the curve

will adjust colors with saturation over 0.5.

  • Value

Modifies the Value component of incoming colors.

Adjusting the left halve of the curve will affect colors with values below 0.5, adjusting the right halve of the curve

will adjust colors with values over 0.5.

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