Manifold 3D

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Manifold 3D by Jens Kafitz

A manifold is a node to transform coordinates such as Position + Normal resulting in a change of scale,

translation or rotation.

All Extension Pack Procedurals have a 'Manifold' connection in the Nodegraph to attach this to, standard Mari

Nodes if they are supported usually have a 'Position' Input that is compatible

Manifold 3D by default uses your objects Position Data as a coordinate system but the coordinate system

can be changed by mapping the '3D Coordinates' Connection in the Nodegraph.

Intro Video


Node Connections

When this connection is mapped in the Nodegraph it will overwrite the coordinate system used by the Node.

By default, if the 3D Coordinates Handle is unmapped the Node will use your Objects Positional Data.

Possible other alternatives to connect here are Normals such as output by the 'Custom Surface Normal' Node

When this connection is mapped in the Nodegraph it will overwrite the Nodes Sliders in the 'Transform Translate'

Group. You can attach any node to the Translation Handle and drive X,Y and Z by modifying the incoming RGB

Data (R = X, G = Y, B = Z)

When this connection is mapped in the Nodegraph it will overwrite the Nodes Sliders in the 'Transform Rotate'

Group. You can attach any node to the Rotation Handle and drive X,Y and Z Rotation by modifying the incoming RGB

Data (R = X, G = Y, B = Z) Intensity

When this connection is mapped in the Nodegraph it will overwrite the Nodes Sliders in the 'Transform Scale'

Group. You can attach any node to the Scale Handle and drive X,Y and Z Scaling by modifying the incoming RGB

Data (R = X, G = Y, B = Z)

Node Properties

Transform Scale

World Scale is a global scale multiplier on the coordinate system feeding into a node

Will apply a scale along X,Y or Z to the coordinate system feeding into a node.

Transform Rotate

Will apply a rotation in X,Y or Z to the coordinate system feeding into a node.

Transform Translate

Will translate your coordinate system feeding into a node in X,Y and Z.

The Offset sliders are an additional translation option with a different slider range, allowing for more nuanced


Extra Attributes

The Offset Multiplier is the Multiplication Factor on the Offset Sliders under the Translate Group, allowing

you to adjust the slider range.

The Seed Parameter adds a starting Value to all Translations of the Manifold Node, allowing you to more

quickly randomize parameters

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