Export Object

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Export Object by Jens Kafitz

Export Object allows you to export your geometry from MARI to an OBJ file.

OBJ is currently the only supported file format.


Export Object has two different UIs depending on where you launch it from.

If launched via the Object Menu you can choose what Geometry to export from or

batch export multiple Geometries:

If launched via a right click on an object in the Object Palette only the current

object is exported:


This determines the path where to store the Geometry. By default it will be set to the path

specified for Exporting Geometry in your Project Paths.

The Path Field supports creation of non-existing subfolders.

If you enter a subfolder that does not exist the tool will create it for you (after a user confirmation).

The Path Field supports 1 Variable that you can put into Folder Names

    1. $ENTITY - When you name one of the Subfolders $ENTITY subfolders matching your Geometry

Name will be autocreated.

For example:


will create create a folder with the name of your object under c:\Export

This determines the fileformat and naming convention of the exported Geometry.

By default the following template is set:


meaning that the Filename will always be identical to your object name.

The Template Field supports creation of non-existing subfolders.

If you enter a subfolder that does not exist the tool will create it for you (after a user confirmation).

The Template Field supports 1 Variable that you can put into Folder Names

    1. $ENTITY - When you name one of the Subfolders $ENTITY subfolders matching your Geometry

Name will be autocreated.

For example:


will create create a folder with the name of your object under c:\Export, then name your

OBJ File 'Objectname.obj'

The Template Field will remember your last Naming Convention you specified across sessions.

With this turned on, all selected objects will always be exported at Level 0 Subdivision.

Otherwise objects are exported at whatever SubD level they are currently set to.

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