
  • Where to find it:

    • NodeGraph / Right Mouse Click / Add Nodes / Math / Extension Pack / N /


normalize returns a vector with the same direction as its parameter, v, but with length 1.

OpenGl Reference

Node Ports

  • Vector

Specify the Vector to Normalize

Node Outputs

  • Output RGB

computation for Input Channels Red, Green, Blue with an Alpha Channel of 1.0 

Output = vec4( normalize(X.rgb),1.0)

  • Output RGBA

computation for Input Channels Red, Green, Blue and Alpha

Output = normalize(X)

  • R

Computation for Input Red channel only, saved into R, G and B channel with an Alpha of 1.0

r = normalize(X.r)

Output = vec4(r,r,r,1.0)

  • G

Computation for Input Green channel only, saved into R, G and B channel with an Alpha of 1.0

g = normalize(X.g)

Output = vec4(g,g,g,1.0)

  • B

Computation for Input Blue channel only, saved into R, G and B channel with an Alpha of 1.0

b = normalize(X.b)

Output = vec4(b,b,b,1.0)

  • A

Computation for Input Alpha channel only, saved into R, G and B channel with an Alpha of 1.0

a = normalize(X.a)

Output = vec4(a,a,a,1.0)