Copy / Paste with Shared Connections

  • Where to find it:

    • Layers Palette / Right Mouse Click / Edit /
    • Main Window / Layers / Edit /
    • Main Window / Extension Pack / Layers /

  • Shortcut: (unassigned, use "Edit / Shortcuts" to assign)

Depending on the number of copied layers and the amount of shared layers/channels contained in their mask and adjustment stacks, pasting layers may take several seconds to complete.

The Default Mari Copy and Paste to duplicate a layer selection in a different location does not respect sharing.

    • copied,originally shared layers will be pasted as unique, unshared layers
    • when copying a channel layer, the channel the channel layer originates from will be duplicated

The Extension Pack Copy/Paste with Shared Connections rectifies this issue.

    • Shared Layers will always be relinked to their original source, including in Mask Stacks
    • Pasted Channel Layers will be relinked to the original channel, without unnecessary channel duplication

In addition, If a Layer in the Layerstack has Nodegraph connections feeding into it that use Radio Nodes,

creating a copy with shared connections will now always treat the radio node as a shared resource between both layers.

This means that the new shared Layer will share the will share the same nodes that fed into the original Radio Node.

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