Utility Function Overview

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Function Overview

The following methods are exposed as part of MARI Extension Pack 4 to provide easy access to

frequently used python procedures.

The methods are part of the class



Will return the Mari Main Window Object


Mari Main Window Object


This will set the Focus and Mari Context to the Nodegraph, meaning that hotkeys executed by the user will be run in 'Nodegraph Context'

if hotkeys have been defined.

This is useful to return context to the Nodegraph after a dialog was launched and closed from within the Nodegraph, since otherwise

the Context sits on the Mari Main Window



Returns the currently open nodegraph (root or graph group)


mari.NodeGraph() Object

Returns a list of all Graph Group Nodes found in a given list of nodes.

If the list includes Graph Group Nodes, the contents of these Graph Groups

are recursively checked for Group Nodes as well.


A list of mari.Node objects


List of mari.GroupNode() objects

Returns a list of all Nodes found in a given list of nodes.

If the list includes Graph Group Nodes, the contents of these Graph Groups

are added to the returned list as well (recursively).


A list of mari.Node objects


List of mari.Node() objects

Returns a list of all Nodes found connected to the Output of the specified Node

When skipDotNodes is True the method will keep traversing downstream until

a node other than a dot node is found.


the Nodegraph to search in

The Node you want  to find Output Connections for.


List of mari.Node() objects

Returns a list of all channels that the given node_to_find belongs to.


the Node we want to find out what Channel it belongs to

the geometry the node_to_find lives on

If excludeDownStreamChannelLayerUse is True, the search will only go up to the first downstream hierarchy level

of channels, and not further (ignoring for example cases where a whole channel is used in another channel)


List of mari.Channel() Objects

Returns selected Nodes in the Root Graph of the Current Geometry


If True only the first node is returned


List of mari.Node() Objects or a single mari.Node() Object if parameter is True

Returns all Nodes upstream that are connected to a given target Node


The Node to find upstream Nodes from

The Nodegraph the targetNode lives in

If GroupContentMode = 'Include Group Node Content' and a node upstream from the targetNode is a GraphGroup,

all Nodes (recursively) inside the Group are returned as well

Otherwise only the Graph Group Node is included.

If returnBakePointUpstream is False nodes upstream from bake points will only be returned if the bake point is

disabled or does not useBake()

If includeTargetNode is True, the targetNode is included in the return statement of the method


List of mari.Node() Objects

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