Material ID Channel from Selection Groups

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Material ID Channel from Selection Groups by Jens Kafitz

Material ID Channel from Selection Groups allows you to create a a new channel with a unique

color fill for each selected selection groups. All selection group types (object, patch, faces) are supported

Material ID Channels are a useful way to have a single channel for multiple material masks.

Optionally the tool allows you to create individual mask layers from each selection group.


How to use Material IDs in Mari

Currently there are two ways to utilize Material IDs in Mari



Filtering options at the top of the dialog allow you do search through the list of Selection Groups.

ID Overrides

ID Overrides allow the user to specify a custom ID Color for the selected Selection Groups on the right hand side list of the dialog.

The Functionality is also available via the right mouse click menu in the Selection Group Palette.

Let's the user choose a color for the selected Selection Groups that will be used as their ID Color.

Removes a user chosen Color from the selected Selection Groups and returns them to a random color unless

Use Previous ID Color option is on


The name of the channel to create as 'Material ID' Channel.

If the name already exists, selected selection group IDs will be added to the existing one

The resolution of the 'Material ID' Channel to create if the Name entered does not exist already

Will create a colored ID layer in the specified Channel

Will create one black/white mask layer per Selection Group in the specified Channel

If a Selection Group has been baked previously, this will automatically reuse the previously baked color as ID Color on the new bake.

This is useful in case a selection group has been updated with new faces to quickly apply the previous color to the new faces.

If a Selection Group has previous Color Information, the Selection Group Name will be highlighted in the color that will be used for baking.

With this Option turned on, Baking ID Maps will respect custom ID Colors selected by the user

Overrides can be set via the Overrides Buttons or the Selection Group Right Mouse Click Menu

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